About Temi and Oluoma

The brief profile reproduced below, was first published online on Temi and Oluoma’s Facebook page on February 28, 2016

‘Temi (11) & Oluoma (8) are sisters who (with support from their family) use creative low cost recipes & a charcoal stove pot to bake cookies for sale.

This microbusiness venture began as a “skills acquisition project” Temi asked their Dad to let her do, after seeing videos of home made cookies baking. The girls learnt to make the cookies by watching Youtube videos by hobbyists/experts in the USA.

But unlike those in the videos they watched, the girls emulate their brothers
(who make Pineapple peel based drinks and cakes) by , using a charcoal stove and pot for baking – I.e no oven!

They do this because they are being challenged, to learn to employ create thinking to start where they are, with what they have, by using low cost methods to create low cost products they can sell to peers and others.

That experience will prepare them to make prudent use of money they make to scale up their operations over time.

Click here to read more on our Facebook page