Lazy pontification does no good. Opinions or sentiments don’t count either. Most importantly phony or doctored scientific results will always be exposed & can NEVER stand the test of time.
For the sake of young, impressionable minds that may encounter threads like THIS one, (see the URL to the original Facebook discussion thread in the description box for my reaction video – CLICK HERE!).
I have decided to share 3 telling VIDEO reports (many others exist) from sources no one can argue with that have LONG AGO confirmed the now well known truth that Black Africans built the foundation of the civilization we live in today.
Works done by legends like Cheik Anta Diop, and others are cemented in history in this regard.
It’s so sad that some Black African adults refuse to do the work to INFORM AND EDUCATE themselves about their own ancestry. What a deep seated inferiority complex!
PS: Watch the reaction video published on my YouTube Channel – CLICK HERE!