
Month: December 2022

How I Defied Adversity to Create a Lucrative Niche Market for my Excel-VB Software In/Out of Nigeria

DEFYING ADVERSITY as a Self-Taught Nobody, to Create a Lucrative Niche Market for my Custom Excel-VB Driven Software in/Out of Nigeria. Today, Christmas Day – Sunday 25th December 2022 – I’ve published this PDF White Paper to share the true story about how I became able to sell my custom Excel-VB Software internationally despite initially […]

He said “Hmm, but you know this is Nigeria now. How can I be sure you’ll send it after I pay you?”

Click https://youtu.be/iRfONZk0h9k to listen to this latest podcast episode (How 2 Farm CEOs from Different Countries Got Cold Feet, While Another Waited 3 Years to Buy my ExcelVB Ration Formulator!) It’s Part 3 in the series titled “CAN YOU BE TRUSTED? How to Make People Buy from You & NOT Your Competitors!”  

FUN MATH PROJECT | Cut Wooden Quadrilateral/Kite With a Saw: My 2nd Teen Girl Learned via Her Big Sister’s Math Homework

Click https://youtu.be/FsqqHhevDO0 OR go to http://www.tinyurl.com/olu-fun-math I created this Happy Birthday video of her experience for her, to commemorate her clocking 13 years old (and officially becoming a Teen) 6 months ago, back in June. It so happens that the recordings were mostly done by her, while I was coaching her older sister to cut […]


WARNING TO LADIES: Before You SLAP That Man, Watch THIS! [VIRAL: SHE MESSED WITH THE WRONG MAN!] https://youtu.be/FZ9kqUy0T24 Featuring a viral video: Man’s Shocking Reaction to a Woman Slapping Him Sends Serious Warning!

He Got Debited But I Got NO Alert & He Got Scared! How I Solved It | CAN YOU BE TRUSTED? TRUE STORY

*Based on 2014 article titled “CAN YOU BE TRUSTED? Real Life Business Sales Conversations With People Just Like YOU!” The person looking for a job, or one who is looking for a boyfriend (or girlfriend), both NEED something that a person who is looking for buyers also NEEDS to have, if they are to succeed. […]

“Why Would I Want a Man That Can Barely Provide The Same Lifestyle That I Can Provide for Myself?”

“Why Would I Want a Man That Can Barely Provide The Same Lifestyle That I Can Provide for Myself?” Click https://youtu.be/UIqACOqVIn4 My Reaction: Additional Lessons for Men and Women – THE BIG PICTURE! Listen as I explain why A Woman Who Thinks LIke This Does NOT Want a Good Husband, and Will Likely Dump You […]

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