
Month: June 2022

“Tu es Nigerian?” she asked [How I Got Scarce Petrol in English Speaking Nigeria by Speaking French!]

This true story happened 8 days ago, during the FUEL SCARCITY of 22/6/2022 i.e. the day being able to speak FRENCH Enabled Me Buy SCARCE Petrol in English Speaking Nigeria! Click https://youtu.be/rqK6D-sl9mU to learn more. Correction: My visits to Cameroon were in 1999 & 2001 and NOT 1997 & 1999

[FREE PDF] Why Marketing to Strangers Yields More Success

This 2014 article I published on my blog, features a hypothetical case of Rekiya, a chartered accountant, who left her salary job after 15 years, and launched her own consulting outfit. But after 6 months finding client business was tough. She contacted friends, relatives, former colleagues and associates, but as always happens, people may know […]

“Incompetence is just everywhere and there’s nobody to double check it”: Errors In Governor’s Letter: Part 1 of 2

Excerpt No. 1: “This is another brighter grammar moment. Incompetence is just everywhere and there’s nobody to double check it. If a common government dossier cannot be checked properly for errors, then what can be checked properly in this country?” – Channels TV Guest commenting on Error Riddled Executive Order Excerpt No. 2: “A lof […]

Sometimes the Only Thing We Know About Our Fathers Is What Our Mothers Tell Us – D L Hughley

This is a Fathers Day Special episode (published last night) of my DIARY OF A BATTERED MAN (DOABM) – and in it I react to two videos, and a series of Eleven Real Life Confessions of Grown Kids About Their Parents. If you find it useful, remember to share with others you believe may benefit […]

“All a Woman Deserves is the Right to a Fair Hearing – Not the Right to Be Believed: Accused Men, the Same!” – @Megyn Kelly

My Reaction (Part 4 of 5) to @Megyn Kelly on “Johnny Depp’s Massive Victory Over Amber Heard, and a Triumph For Justice” Click https://youtu.be/BHAWF18Gojo TIP: Watch Parts 1, 2, 3 & 5 at: https://www.tinyurl.com/jdvsah2022

“(Amber Heard) showed the world that abuse claims require careful, meticulous scrutiny, because women sometimes do lie” – @Megyn Kelly

My Reaction (Part 2 of 5) to @Megyn Kelly on “Johnny Depp’s Massive Victory Over Amber Heard, and a Triumph For Justice” Click https://tinyurl.com/jdvsah2022pt2 TIP: Watch Parts 1, 3, 4 & 5 at: https://www.tinyurl.com/jdvsah2022

“They essentially found her to be a fake victim”: @Megyn Kelly on “Johnny Depp’s Massive Victory Vs Amber Heard”

They called her “a fake victim”… “They essentially found her to be a fake victim, rejecting her claims of domestic abuse and sexual Violence” – Megyn Kelly  My Reaction (Part 1 of 5) to @Megyn Kelly on “Johnny Depp’s Massive Victory Over Amber Heard, and a Triumph For Justice” Click HERE to continue…

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