
[@KevinSamuels Says On YTube to Modern Women]: “Y’all Scared of Each Other! You Need to Call Unruly Abusive Women to Order and Hold Them Accountable”

You’re listening to Tayo Solagbade’s Domestic Violence Against Men (DVAM)™ Podcast of 2nd August 2021

Click here to watch video with my commentary on YouTube

*This episode is inspired by a Kevin Samuels Reaction video. The author of the Reaction Video – J.R. Wisdom – titled it, quite appropriately “Have We Become Desensitized to Black Women Verbally Abusing Black Men?”- and comments on it.


In the video, you hear as Kevin ask a woman who called into his show:

1. Why Black women are losing High Value Black Men to White Women?

She replies that one reason is “the MOUTH” – saying that many (but not all) black women tend to be verbally abusive and disrespectful to black men in their lives.

2. Why black women are so comfortable with other black women disrespecting black men in public and in private.

3. Would she call the police if she saw a black man being verbally abused by a black woman.

Click to watch the video with my commentary

I have cut out sections of the video to focus on the high points that resonated with me, based on my experiences as a Male Survivor of Domestic Violence inflicted by my (now) Ex-Partner

Below, I provide text transcript excerpts of highlights from Kevin’s comments to her – and his message to women in general.

Click HERE to download the PDF transcript.

Click HERE to download the PDF transcript.



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