
Month: August 2020

Support Skills Based Education of Locals [Repatriating to Africa: A 3 Pronged Strategy..] Pt 2 of 6

This video (scroll down to watch it) begins with a short clip excerpt from a VLog by Ghanaian YouTuber Ekow Simpson challenging anyone coming from the Diaspora NOT to come “job hunting”, but instead to start a business of their own and possibly provide jobs to locals. He also explains why he actively promotes EARLY […]

Excel-VB Poultry Farm Manager [UPGRADE] – Auto Generate Payments to Suppliers In Imprest Cash Book – Phone Suggestion by Nigerian Farm CEO Client/User

[views] The new set of videos I’m going to be doing – Demonstration Videos – are designed to be published on DiscoverCotonou Dot Com and the video channel for DiscoverCotonou Dot Com because as I travel I want to be able to communicate with buyers from in and out of Africa, who are Farm Business […]

4 Qualities You Need [Repatriating to Africa: A 3 Pronged Strategy You Can Use to Succeed] Pt 1 of 6

[views] What I want to share with you in this message are some ideas for Black skinned people, in any part of the world, outside Africa, who are looking to repatriate back to Africa, with a view to settling down and living the life of their dreams. My target audience for this video are people […]

Top 9 Strategies You Need to Travel Successfully in Africa – With Minimal STRESS & Maximum FUN! [VIDEO + PDF TRANSCRIPT]

Everything I’m sharing with you in this video, is actually based on personal experience. I didn’t go on the Internet and Google anything. I basically sat down and just thought about what I’d done, and that’s the way 99% of all the content that I’ve churned out over the last 15 years have been. I’ve […]

Schools Kill Creativity: How Western Education Keeps Africa Poor [Excerpt from Part 4 of 6 of “Repatriating to Africa: A 3 Pronged Strategy You Can Use to Succeed]” – 6 Part Video Series

The video you’re about to watch clearly identifies the root cause of the POVERTY afflicting Africa today. Especially our habit of looking to other races for solutions e.g loans, cures/vaccines, ideas etc. Watch the video and you’ll see what I mean. But let me just give you some background perspective against which to reflect on […]

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